Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

Yea no its not


Not even half of the alive players have checked in, PKR.

Erm… I was talking to my fellow players asking them not to put noz on trial just yet.

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Forum games section of the ToL Discord. Scroll up a bit. It’s not an official rule

it is. we are thinking about replacing it but for now it remains a real rule

What purpose does it serve?

How about we hotfix my Decide Fate to be infinite uses until it changes a majority vote, then I can’t use it anymore? That way I can Decide Fate with the majority every time and cut the trial time!

(pls no modkill is only joek)


it makes sure those on trial are able to give a defence instead of you all rushing them with a guilty, and it gives time for everyone to change there minds if they want to

I don’t really mind the extra discussion time.

I do. It could easily screw us late game

its fairer on everyone. everyone waiting a bit more time is not a big deal


pkr does not want to wait

Then we enforce the old idea of no votes until 24hours past, or dependent makes a post to defend themselves.

that wastes even more time

No, PKR is providing evidence to you that the rule isn’t even official

I think that, at the very least, if there’s been a defense presented after the start of the trial by the person on the stand and a large majority (75% maybe?) voted one way and the King has elected not to use Decide Fate then the trial should end.

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No it doesn’t. The last trial would have been over in 4 hours that way.

3 scum vs 1 neut vs 3 BD (1 inactive)
A scum is on trial, forced to wait.
Neutral doesn’t vote so they won’t upset a vote.
2 v 2 and forced to wait for 24 hours just for scum to be taken off trial

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-sigh- I am still gonna enforce this rule