Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

I don’t think so?
Idk, this is confusing

Fun fact: Actually no, we don’t have a rule stating that lel

But that would probably turn this game into SFoL

But PKR, I’m not Sheriff, you’re close though.

WE DON’T!!! (omg anything go’s now)

… why would you do that?

I s2g you’d better not claim Paladin

It would turn FoLs into SFoL darling.

No, not that either. XD

blame alfa for the choas that will happen in my next fol game


Then why ask that?

…Constable? Surprise SFoL game after all?!

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and no rules will be broken :slight_smile:

Brotherhood would actually explain the Psychic messages too!


Blame Alfa - 2 likes
Post about rules - Blanked

Your idea that I could possibly be possesser is wrong, do you not accept that?

brotherhood is not a thing in fol

You could be MM or another Neutral.
Even if your claim of being NI is true

I know friend, is was joke on what Ashe said about not being exactly Sheriff or Paladin.

Then why would I lie about the psychic?

To try and throw shade as a last resort as you’re in no way confirmable as BD