Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

I’m telling you.
As confirmed BD.
Frost confirms Mole

  1. frost is not confirmed
  2. HOW?

I know things you don’t simply
You can’t investigate whereas I can

I will not trust your judgements if you don’t reveal the info you gather

Since you never answered in dms, @FadeBlade if someone soul bound is attacked and healed, what feedback do they get?

Pkr why push mole as nk if you had him compatible?

Then don’t listen to confirmed BD and instead be voted. That’s your choice

Could’ve been that Frost was another Neut


The concentrated wine is here for reason, PokemonKidRyan.


Did you RB Wolfy?

5 neutrals? And they be scorned? Since that’s the only neutral possibly pairable? And you said I made bad decisions

when was Pkr confirmed? I saw nothing about this when I looked back

First night I made sure Fruit doesn’t use day abilty and the next day he admits it.

No I actually RB’ed Fruit at Night 3.

We had 2 NKs this game.
Who knows what else we have?
I was being clever and holding back info

He said noz was vines at night and day and noz flipped druid

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By clever you mean stupidly wrong, right?

He was the one that told us to burn Noz as he was druid as he poked him

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I think I understand who PKR have matchmaking with.

I hate mobile so much…

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