Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)

by bandwagon I mean that little sweet spot right before the middle, where people I trying to get other bandwagoners

You could’ve spoken up earlier about being linked.
Don’t even try and make me out to be the bad one.
You was screwing Moley too

With holding info about compatible is pro bd. But I agree with the terrible instinct avenue

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You withheld that info.
So take your own advice first

Lol, you helped screw me this game too

“spoken up earlier”

do you mention when you are jailed? No! Why? because then scum can deduce who is prince.

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it is same with psychic

Tbf, I don’t think rope was active at that point

Why would you not mention you was linked when Psychic said they linked Mole

I am pretty sure this was days ago

It’s a coin flip with rope now.

Nevermind it was last night

A slightly weighted to scum one.
Not much but like 60/40

Sadly, prince didn’t jail.

I know a special someone who will be investigated but that’s all I need to say

Hmm. Should we have rope occupied and cfd maybe @Braixen?


Chinese Fire Drill

I understand even less now. XD

IT means to panic and/quickly start a new bandwagon