Forum of lies 10 (Blue Dragon, Cowardly King and Scorned Victory)


wait a second!

If moleland is confirmed (claimed by Pkr) and Pkr is confirmed, why don’t you just matchmake me with him, @PokemonKidRyan ?

So, im back I read through most things. Correct me if im wrong on this.
Moleland Claimed to Be Squire but is actually priest and is going to revive prince
Rope is looking extremely sus right now random voting, (what is his class?)
Rope suspects Ashe of being scum (For being Pushy?)
Rope voted Frostwolf but then changed to Pkr the Confirmed (I Think) (Why did he vote these 2?)
Pkr Requests that butler occupy Jammy and that he is going to “Check Someone special”.

Any thing I missed?

I changed FROM pkr to frost wolf

Oh you’re back.

But you are on stand at the moment, besides I have checked and put up one of theories with the claim slots.

Well that may look broken but even ToL have small tiny chance to have both Reaper and Possessor appear, that’s RNG to you.

Eliminating the MM/Possessor–

Okay Braixen:

< Actually no, the Psychic didn’t read properly on DM and mistook Moleland for RopeStringFace who’s now on stand who did poor job defending himself to prove he’s not fakeclaiming this.

<You did not say about being occupied on Day 3, why did you do that?

–Eliminating the MM/Possessor is deceive blow for the bad guys when Rope flip to this, when Rope actually flips Squire like he did tell the truth

Then I know who to occupy next.

Oh I am on stand?

I do not see why Pkr cannot just matchmake me

Don’t just do a lynch on someone who has not been invested

Did the Psychic talked to you last night?

What do you mean? On n2 I was occupied yes.

I searched on your posts from this topic and find NOTHING you said this before you vote NozBugz or anywhere.

It’s quite suspicious.

Are you talking about me i’m confused >.>

@Braixen Yes I am talking to you about this occupy action.

No i was linked

Explain because i’m confused >.>

I can.
I’m just choosing to confirm someone else

I have not been invested. Why are you lynching me then?

Pkr the Confirmer.

Braixen why did you not mention you were occupied N2?

Because I didn’t think it matter tbh. Sorry.

Oh wow you are lynching me but not the information with holder?

@Braixen I am deadpanning at your avatar, you know how small the claim space I am deducing right now?