Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

Except for giving the hunter chance to win?

Come on, PKR that doesn’t concern you unless I come over here and end you.

The cooldown would remain for the new CL.

Just let you know that the Alch is confused and you should not attack the Alch because he is not a threat to anyone…

Idk if I should do nothing again tonight. Siding with someone is just way too hard.

I just want an Alch win.

The cult have to be stupid to kill themselves, the reason being is so Orange can be brainwashed which is basically gamethrowing in his part.

So that’s why he voted Methnor to show he’s not going to do that without switching loyalties.

wait, so we can execute Methnor?

/vote Methnor

Now Noz, if this does not pass through… It’d be a better move not attacking me because by attacking someone you just lose unless PKR is a Devout King.

At least Meth can become a CL and convert Orange that way.

but either way. Noz is bleeding out and if he attacks… All cult die.

If Noz does not attack… Meth probably won’t win anyway…

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Yes we can, we do have to convince the king that cult lost their game no matter what.

@Ashe Another question, do king election still happen even with three people alive?

No, no new King is elected if there are less than 4 people.

EDIT: Not 4 or less, less than 4.

@PokemonKidRyan Now you see the problem? I am not the only one who’s interested in your game. Let’s just end this so we can play blackjack or something, any game really. So long it doesn’t involve real murder.

I can make you cozy


If Noz attacks someone. He will bleed out and there will be no more Cult left as brainwash is on cooldown

If Noz doesn’t attack. Demon or me might attack Meth…

so Cult loses either way. Just side with your fellow neut, us two cowards can win this together. As well as the Demon.

/vote treason Methnor

PKR, just vote against Methnor, Demon will probably win at this point in time so yeah…

but I actually thought Insanity was the NK… Wow.

Vote count.

Votes for Methnor:

  • Frostwolf103
  • orangeandblack5
  • Pug

Votes for no lynch:

  • PokemonKidRyan
  • Nozbugz

Ah really, not even Methnor?

Boo, PKR.

All that majority votes, I vote too mentality is just not your style.

Are you implying when the hunter votes, you expect inactive cult member would vote the same?

Shame on you.

Cult will definitely lose.

PKR, vote against Meth so all us Neuts can win against the Cult.

A BD win as I wanted to do before is not going to happen and NK is most likely to win…

So just vote Methnor PKR. Cowardly King can win with NK so just vote Meth

Couldn’t have said any better, that’s what I am trying to prove this whole day, this entertainment idea ruined it.

Also remember that if Cult attacks.

They lose because Noz bleeds out and there is no more Cult members because Methnor is used with the kill.

Also, can the fellow neut have a guard please, we can win together.

If I heal you and you guard me. We can both win.

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Yes, I said so myself.

You gotta hand down to Orange that listened to me, even though Braixen’s magic barrier do jack against conversion and even dying drunk listened to me for useless sheeping.

Should have kept the last happy hour for Methnor.