Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

:wink: maaaaaaaayyyybbbbeeee

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god damn it

No purposefully killing you N1 seems silly.

It will be far more fun to hang you D2, that way we can laugh at your pleads of innocence as you are hung.



I would advise you to act pro-bd if you want to avoid being executed because you being a “pro” by making it difficult to scum read, so we have no idea if you really are bd or not.

Also, if you were bd and get lynched because of “pro” plays, don’t be salty. You brought it on yourself, bigshot from MafiaScum…

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Dude all of his “I’m a pro” posturing was super obviously sarcastic

How is that still the issue lmao

Maybe he’s hung too
You don’t know (I assume)


gtfo meth

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If people are sarcastic, then the most obvious response is, put brackets around the period, question mark or exclamation mark when they say their piece.

You know the usual stuff like:

You don’t say(?)

I have literally never seen that used to denote sarcasm

Normally I’d see a “:P” or a “:stuck_out_tongue:” or a “:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:” or a “:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:” or a “/s”
sorry got carried away there

But in this case it was blatantly obvious. Like me joining this game and saying “Well I’m a total noob, so I’m not quite sure, but I think [somebody I think is BD] might be scum, idk”

I made it as obvious as possible without having a sarcastic tone because you can’t have a tone on the Internet.

Except maybe a mobile ringtone hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Kill me now.

Orange is literally the only one who gets it. Apart from a few others which haven’t mentioned it.

That’s because I do the same thing tbh

Well, not sarcastically bragging, but being sarcastic in general

Oh I know he was being sarcastic, I am all the time, but SPOILER ALERT it is possible to be sarcastic and come across as a massive wanker at the same time.


been there lmao

Although I’m not saying he didn’t look mean, just that his “bragging” shouldn’t be what Wolfy is mad about :stuck_out_tongue:

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we already have a replacement for the noz day 2 policy lynches (jokes)



The most un-itelligent player in the world~