Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

Frost, here’s my take on this all.
Is it worse for us if we lynch fool today or tomorrow?

Let’s think now about probabilities:

  1. Mastermind/CL converting would only be stopped by hitting a non-Merc neutral (Around 2-3 per game), Prince or the imprisoned person. So stopped around 4-5 times / 15 (Approx 1/3)
  2. Assassin kill: Well 1/2 because of Unseen rolling instead of cult. And then around (1/17 (Total BD classes available x 10) for a phys then that / 9. 1/15 for Prince stopping it. 1/15 for it to have hit NK. So 9.934640519% chance their kill was stopped total if they did indeed roll.
  3. NK kill: Only stopped if hit MM / Alche who stoneskinned / Scorned / Other NK (It’s happened before) / Prince target. So 1/2 * 1/15 + 3/4 * 1/4 * 1/15 + 3/4 * 1/15 + 1/15 * 1/6 + 1/15 = 17.361111111% it was stopped

If MM/CL convert was stopped around 1/3 of the time, then there’s 2/3 chance that MM/CL has already converted. So killing Fool today would have less impact on us. We’d lose 3/4 people at most and that includes conversion.
If we waited until tomorrow then we might be allowing them even more kills and to freely convert / manipulate / kill as they please even more as there’d be less people so less possibilities on specific classes

No, King can’t be voted until Day 4 even in FoL.

It’s also better not to execute the fool at all, we just need to find one but then again - what is our other option excluding no vote?

Where exactly is that in the manual? I may be blind

Under any of the Kings, in Update Notes, 0.8.29 Patch.

He did like 5 that I missed I’ll do a tally later.

@Ashe so can Psycho king not start anymore in FoL cuz if he can combined with the no voting it’s dumb af?

For now imma /vote Pug but I’m still confident Moleland and PKR are evil. The fact that Mole is claiming Paly suggesting a Cult game after I said it was cult and PKR doubted that it was cult makes me even more susp of them both.

I would murder him rn but I can’t. Also making a joke doesn’t equate to trolling @PokemonKidRyan you cheeky hoe.

Can you clarify a reason for voting Pug?

He claim alch.

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He may be fool tbh as his reasons were sketchy af so may be a nice way for Noz to confirm himself in second thoughts.

As town, we can’t keep lynching neutrals.

All the Alch needs to do is survive.

Lynching him won’t make scum less.

Frick it, /vote Mole

Yeah. The only Kings that can be starting Kings are Good/Cowardly/Evil/Devout.

OK, why?

@Hippolytus there’s no reason to doubt that claim rn

There are some classes what he softclaimed for, either way he’s at risk getting converted.

Besides the vote on Pug I’m starting to generally agree with Hippo’s stances.


/Vote Insanity

Forgot to do that earlier

Well I am useless right now so well,who do we vote guys insanity or mole?

Read the thread, scum

Fuck it

/vote the Mole

I claiming that he is being us and investigative would not claim this early with a useless “Neutral” result.