Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

But even if he is occupied and he happens to be Cult playing as Paladin, then we’re doing nothing productive.

Oh and btw, so at first, you claim Luxx is neutral… When Prince jailed her…

Is this the coincidence 101?

Reminder to everyone to keep accurate journals with everything in them, even if you don’t have any relevant information to share right now.


That’s the thing. If he checked her as Paladin night one, he would still get a result on her as NS as a neutral or BD. So something is seriously wrong there .This makes me assume he is Scorned or a killer. I highly doubt Fool, as Mole would go for a different tactic to know I think for him to win

I guess so…

The pally claim and scorned claim + saying the Luxx is neutral is just too suspicious.

Fucking read! I didn’t check luxx at all, I just know she is scum and guessed fool or scorned. Insanity is making more sense with the occupation idea though.

How in the world can you


at day 2?

Day 1 didn’t get much information.

She claimed sheriff to prince. Think about it…



I feel like this is still bs here.

Oh hey, you AREN’T confirmed yet.

So is Luxx.

I don’t see why cult would claim sheriff, not pally. I don’t think an nk would claim a UNIQUE class, plus an nk killed. Alchemist has no reason to lie. Leaves fool/scorned

A psychic beams a message into all of your minds:
“Surprise! Just your friendly Psychic here. I decided to do nothing this night considering we would not have any information from anyone, but from here on out, I’ll have my eye on all you.”

I was answering how I have a scumread

Wow. What a pointless use of an ability and night


Oh yeah, you claim pally while Luxx claim sheriff…

So you think she is suspicious.

But you are not even confirmed YET!

Ay, which is why I suggest maid checks or cs

And if there is no Maid?

For some reason, I still think you’re the best lynch at the moment. Orange normally acts this scummy but you sir, seem to be the new Orange right now

And orange is always town

Or coldsteel

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Also Mole, Psychic abilities are unlimited, so that wasn’t a waste of it. Just confirms that there is one in play

Investigatives have alot of work to do tonight. Additionally once any scum flips whatsoever, either Mole or Luxx is dying.
That being said I don’t think we should lynch any potential PI claims with the Prince already being dead, a mislynch is essentially a death sentence.