Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

With no CCs lmao

Not convinced he is psychic? Why? It’s a cult game and the cult alt for psychic is OP BS

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true lol but how does that make voting Insanity bad

If anything that makes him a great lynch

I’m also getting a slight scum vibe in the back of my head from PKR. I don’t like this unnecessary sheeping of Wolfy as lock town, nobody is lock town on day 2. That being said it seems like his standard playstyle so who knows.
Not sure on the Insanity lynch. How do we know he’s the Psychic? Did I miss something?


I really doubt Insanity is the Psychic to be honest with you. I think he would forget about the ideas of linking and the callout to be honest…

/vote mole

No, I can believe it.

PKR said he trust Wolfy for now, if Moleland turn out to be Paladin then Wolfy is racking the suspect list quickly.

Again, why?

inb4 Wolfy is psychic who linked PKR N1 but then lied about his action in public announcement



I have you know that if I’m investigative or anything the sort, I never lie about my results or investigations.

Unless I’m scum of course, but that’s when I have to lie

Nah, I didn’t think you were

Puts on tinfoil hat
Crazy conspiracy theory here guys, but it maaay just be possible. PKR is Devout/Nuetral siding with cult and found Wolfy as Cult and tries to give him towncred. This being he and wolfy get towncred with no reliable way of being night killed or investgated.

takes tinfoil hat off

Who says it’s exactly a Cult game though? :thinking:

It wouldn’t be the first time something like that happened lmao


Did you not read those two sentences??

After orange said “who kills Simon N1” it got me thinking and I think we can be almost certain Simon got NK’D. NK would wanna make sure they don’t target the same person as evils so it actually makes sense for him.

Any Physicians get on Simon to see who the baddy is.

Anyways it’s quite obvious that Mole is a bad lynch

Anybody currently voting for him should honestly be ashamed of themselves

Who the fuck votes a Paladin claim without a CC or hearing from the apparent Sheriff claim first?

If Mole is Cult the real Paladin can get him tonight, and if it’s an Unseen game we’ll hear from Luxx anyways and can figure that out tomorrow with much less risk. Like really.