Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

Oh shit, is that still a thing?

Is that even in the live game any more?

Completely forgot about that

Paladin can’t kill ppl anymore though

Empowered kill?

Yeah it’s an infinite-use day ability lol

Not sure yet. Game still has updating to do i htink

Read the cards

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I’ve said this like 3 or 4 times already.

Now anyways imma fuck off for an hour or two to study for my last two exams

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Oh he can still do that. We should unvote Mole then orange is right.

/unvote Moleland

spoilers I’m not paladin lol.

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Is pally unique?


Read the sentence. Doesn’t mean that I haven’t read the cards


Found Wolfy as Cult how exactly?

Allies most likely, if it added

Tinfoil theory he said

which it isn’t


There’s no allies here

It’s a tinfoil theory based on the fact that Allies exists which it doesn’t
ergo it’s more akin to a dog doody wrapped in tinfoil