Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

Well duh, but I am not ashamed for the fact that I said it’s alternative, not prime execution for the day.

You don’t have to believe what I say, but you shouldn’t dismiss it


I like how @Wolfy liked that, but is one of the people dismissing what I say lel

Because i’m obviously sort of saying the same thing agaisnt me as well. Keep in mind what I say, but you guys don’t need to trust me either. But in this case, I still think you’re dodgy

You should be equally doubting Luxx tbh

If we all vote PKR maybe our combined votes can break the rule and hang him?



And execute good king at most? Yeah no…

Hey I didn’t start the #hippokingbestking someone else did I am just copying it shifty eye glances.

In all seriousness PKR trying to avoid talking about Mole and Luxx and starting to talk about all the inactives does ring alarm bells in my head.


Thank you

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The solution is to either execute the sheriff or paladin claim, what have inactives actually have to do with this?

May I say 1 single flaw with this.
The simplest one there can be with your tinfoil conspiracy.
I cannot investigate, so I wouldn’t know what faction wolf is, so your theory is simply flawed all over.

/Unvote Mole

Yeah, FOL king can’t investigate, but they can still be evil

/unvote Mole

We can decide between the sheriff and paladin claims:

Either of them is Neutral or baddie.

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We have two claims. One of which is not here to defend herself.

And could be the Fool.

I mean I would gladly give luxx my… cold steel (lenny)

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She’s due to be prodded anyway…

But if she is Fool or actually good, I’ll say i told you so

/unvote the mole

/vote the Cat (Luxx)

Eh, I wouldn’t vote her. I feel she’s a fool. If Noz is happy to CS her, let her be CS

I’d ask for @Pug to heal me tho

And here we go with the trust the Alchemist claim…


If I die, he’s evil Shrug

And what if someone else kills you. You still got us voting against the “Alchemist” with that basis