Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

You’re not more proved than Luxx.
Neither of you are more proved than another
@Pug you are to heal Wolfy. Neither Mole nor Luxx

That’s a terrible call

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It’s a fact though Mole.
You cannot say you’re more confirmed this time.
I normally like it when you and Orange are confirmed along with Wolf and Frost.
But you simply aren’t and for once I cannot confirm you.

You know what would be a better call. Heal the King considered no one is confirmed, including the Mole…

Pfft! When has anyone ever attacked the King in FOL? Only Hip ever.

It makes more sense to heal one FHC and Guard the other

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Assuming the Noz isn’t bsing us with his meme Knight claim

Eh, I don’t think he is

Strong combo, why didn’t you include yourself? Just kidding, you are included.
Sure I may not always follow orders from someone but only because I am not drone, my actions have reason and put thoughts into it.

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That’s exactly why i was thinking my actions against Mole was wholly justified in the begining

I wanted to be the King I was jelly okay :man_shrugging:

I suggest Pug heals neither PKR Wolfy or Moleland tbh as they are all rather suspicious. Honestly I do believe Noz is Knight so I would heal him right now.

Actually that’s a decent plan in case Noz’s CS target is BD

chokes on a rasberry


He’s memeing you goose! Why take him this seriously?

Again, cannot cold steel till night 3

Also, I think the heal does not stop suicide attempt if the Knight hit’s a BD target

How do you know I’m not meming?

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When do you never not meme in this game?

Look at end of FoL9

If a Knight CS a BD, it dies regardless

The Knight
Blue Dragon Killer
Sacrifice (Night) - Choose a player at night, if they are attacked you will kill the attacker, but die in the process
Cold Steel (Night) - Choose a player at night, if they are Blue Dragon you will die, if not, they will die
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, The Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

No restriction for use

READ THE CARDS (5th time)

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There was a restriction last time actually. As we all have said a million times, these cards are out of date, so we do not know any more