Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

@Pokemonkidryan should guard Noz. If he CS and dies, we need to knw he actually suicide instead of be murdered

Noz needs to guard Mole. Seriously we can’t afford to lose a Knight.

If sketch flips Cult which I think he will I clearly can’t have converted Meth so don’t freaking attack me @Ami

Noz should prolly CS Frost/brax/Polik
Scum won’t attack me - they are too chicken

I agree

@PokemonKidRyan guard Noz if you want to be a good King

@Ami good luck, I approve of the YOLO-steel, even if I’m not entirely sold on Hip as a target

@Ashe flip result please


Sketch has been executed by the court! They were The Fool.

Additionally, because of Christmas, should the night be extended?

  • Extend by one day
  • Extend by two days
  • Don’t extend it at all

0 voters


The most votes went to not extending the night at all, so if you haven’t sent if your action yet, please do so ASAP.

The sun rises (sorry for the delay), and a body is found!

Hippolytus was found dead. They were The Physician.

They left a journal:

N1: Healing Meth
N2: Exhume Simon. Killed by Demon. Frostwolf acts like demon of think it’s him.
D3: Fuck youuuuu Sketch. gg wp soz guys :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
N3: Healing Insanity. Probably gonna die to werewolf demon if Insanity debauches right person.

A death note was found by their corpse:

NozBugz The Knight

Additionally, no trials can occur today while the court mourns The Fool.

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Noz seems to be a demon

That or the demon is framing him.

Either way we can’t really do much today.

Because of the Fool.

I will concur with Mole.
Noz seems to be a Demon.
I followed what Mole told me to do, which was to guard Noz. Which he should surely concur.
Pug also visited the Princess

Oh shit, we can’t lynch PKR?


Very tempted to just never join another game with the role

It’s super easy (he literally just… didn’t post) and a pain in the ass

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Slept peacefully, Wisped, Pug visited me.

Noz might be a Demon, but why would he add the Death Note AFTER already killing Luxx without a DN? Seems weird. Kind of seems like someone’s trying to frame him.

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Also like Hippo said it’s probably Frostwolf.

Then he’s wrong with his deductions.