Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

Demon! NozBugz would obviously not fucking lie about being guarded. Knight!NozBugz was trying to bait Scum into attacking Mole. Also why would I leave a DN after CSing someone with no DN?

Ashe did indeed fuck up. Just got the guard feedback

lel gg

Noz defo clear, nobody would fake that shit

Although the lack of two kills concerns me, yet again

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Cult convert night

As we lose Lynch’s until day 6, we are going to have to be aggressive.

Alchemist gets to YOLO bomb one of brax or polik. Orange prolly should wolf frost

@Frostwolf103 @Braixen @PolikShadowbliss hard claim please

Insanity is lying, he forces me to use my resurrection against me and is now wasted.

So he’s Invoker.

I am claiming Priest.

If they have Ritualist as well, I am screwed. But then I will able to resurrect Simon in time.

Why did you not immediately resurrect Simon night 2?

Why would I do that immediately and no one is guarding him afterwards?

The Physician may have been converted, Alchemist if she is actually one, believe BD is lost cause and won’t help, King’s guard may or may not be on him, depending on his true allegiance. But none of these happened this way now.

I don’t see why NozBugz and Insanity didn’t do their jobs, Insanity said he couldn’t debauch me, it’s not hard thing to do but no, I believe he’s cult after all.

So I trust Pug only visited Methnor at Night 3, Methnor, PKR and NozBugz got Meth’s wisp or Noz just said random shit about crystal meth, har har puns.

Moleland, you didn’t say your action Night 3 and if NozBugz is suspected to be Cult leader actually and said he visit you, you know that’s bad on you right?

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Because Paladin isn’t immune to conversion unless you self-targeted, did you do that?

Pally is conversion immune in FoL I think

I checked the class cards from mommy’s thread, no he is not.

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Well then, that changes alot. Mole self smite tonight and I’ll be on you if you can

You know that kills you, no matter who you are?

Not even night immunity can save them.

Frosty what are you on about?
It clearly says “Convert immune” on the bottom there

I take it back, I didn’t see it.

He was the only dead person day 2, obviously any BD protectives would be on him if he was revived since he was confirmed Prince.
I’m really, really doubting this Priest claim until I see a revive and even then not immediately reviving him is super questionable.

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Physician is now dead, Alchemist is needed to be aggressive and I have one use for Bind Soul.

Using on Night 2 to revive Prince only to die later? You are insane.

And let me tell you, I was going to revive Simon Night 3, I really do. Insanity said he couldn’t debauch me, but I got controlled into someone else.

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puts tinfoil hat on again Controlled into someone you say, has invoker written all over it! ITS THE KING, THEY ARE POISONING THE WELLS, THE ALIENS ARE COMMINGG! takes tinfoil hat off