Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

It make sense if he is dead, but not before giving away keyword to the person he mind linked and I would know the answer as well.

How do you know you used resurrection against yourself then?

I know what you did, don’t pretend you didn’t do that.

How are you so sure that you know what I did?


There is no notification that you are controlled.

Go check notification FoL for answer.

It’s not funny.

While you did control me into someone else, but not to you.

I didn’t even know your class.

If someone was the Invoker, would they do that?

Yet I did claim Priest, I got occupied before and I got controlled.

But you said you couldn’t debauch me, because you accuse me of Demon.

That is false, and since you get my hint about the keyword, you decide to push me into circles.

Go check notification fol to see for yourself if there is notification of the player being controlled.

Again, you are banging against the wall I already answered.

Yes you did.

@Ashe if a priest is redirected, does it lose the resurrection charge or can it try again?

I still think frost is demon

You are beating in the wrong bush, pal.

You didn’t revive Simon immediately. I don’t believe you

I got occupied and then controlled in the following nights, that made my claim harder to believe.

You never mentioned that yesterday, so I don’t believe you

That’s fine, one day is nothing to sneeze about.

I mean game days

How in the world did you know you are controlled.

Just how.

Tell me.

What kind of message does it tells you.

For whatever reason, you visited Moleland instead.