Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

And what else, NozBugz claimed Insanity is immune to his attack

So either Insanity is Demon and killed Polik or PKR protected him. however Insanity claimed he visited Orange instead.

So between Pug or NozBugz, Noz is terrible liar.

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Yeah, that is true. I won’t yolobomb you then

But there still could be 2 invokers

And Insanity probably is NK. He claimed drunk and drunk cannot be immune to attacks in FoL. Unless PKR guarded

It’s either we execute Insanity and if BD exe Noz or don’t do anything.

but yes.

I was controlled into Moleland

and I am not an n1 convert. I am an alchemist… Meth can confirm. I’ll even stay on Meth… executing me would be another day for Cult to be free.

Didn’t even get my gender right, Sorcerer’s potrait is hot. okay…

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Mole also confirmed me as alch. A shame I was redirected…

Should Insanity have been NK, Orange didn’t mention about being attacked Twice

That’s his reaction to second spike trap.

So I have night plan in mind:

@Braixen either you claimed Drunk or Court Wizard, your thing is to make sure that Orange will be immune to conversion tonight
@orangeandblack5 Just wait, your vote is needed tomorrow
@Pug Same as above, we don’t want anymore controlled kills
@Ami Coldsteel Braixen, forget about Insanity.
@Methnor You can only flirt at this point, the only player who can get caught with fakeclaim in cult game would be Braixen.
@Frostwolf103 I get chat with Moleland about his latest finding, even though Insanity is going to die tonight anyway.
@PokemonKidRyan I doubt they are going to kill tonight unless they want to get rid of you, I suggest guard yourself.

If Meth gets converted I’m in a bad position so Frostwolf. here you go

Blood of Mithras forces the cultist to visit to kill and die in the process

Physician turned Ritualist have cult alt that’s not in the Ritualist class card from non-Physician class and that is:

I thought Braixen claimed to be Court Wizard, but second non-unique class such as the Drunk isn’t far-fetched either.

Drunk converted Invoker that is.

So that explain why I begin to suspect you, @Pug

Now I think about it, cult doesn’t have Strings of Corax anymore.

So it’s okay to attack the cult members right now


You forget something else

One very obvious softclaim if I tell you so.

Seems like i’m the center of attention :wink:

We don’t have many people left, I thought that is clear.

Besides, that is before I realize that cult shouldn’t have Invoker’s control uses left.

Insanity proved to be Drunk in a way I hate to see him die.

Alright, I’m here now and planning on being more active.
Sorry y’all about being inactive.
I just was busy.
After all, holiday season


So any objections or insight you want to share?

Well since I did nothing I know I may be killed if I don’t.
I think Orange might’ve been converted if he had no immunity last night.
As the way he was acting is quite similar to how he does when he’s converted.
The “I knew I was right but damn I’m too late to stop it now” version of himself.

To be fair, Spike Traps attack anyone who visit that night and that means even converters will get caught and the hunter will remain faithful.