Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

Frost I’ll give you a timeline of cult members
N1-Polik, Luxx
N4-Polik Me
N6-Me, Cultist

(pretty sure I got the nights right)

They might be lying about when they got their convert off though.
So might be

Duh? Spike traps.

I doubt it, you used your two spike traps already.

They probably are

There were two attacks last night

None were Alch

Frost damn it, you’re not supposed to be giving Orange away.
Allow him to fight for BD xD
You’re just giving cult a free win there.

You’re wrong, PKR.

Vote NozBugz, me and Pug kill both Methnor and Orange.

Cult won’t win.

Cult needs to sacrifice to kill w/out acoylte
So Demon killed Brax and Orange killed Insanity with traps

I made up my mind.
I’m siding with Noz here for now.
Only because 1 v 1 with 2 neutrals is really flipping fun.

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Dead, dead wrong.

Tell me how i am wrong good sir. Or am I getting my classes mixed up?

You clearly used your Cold Steel last night.

NozBugz lied about killing Lux I am sure, because that doesn’t make sense if Lux died attacking Wolfy that way.

And he lied about attacking Insanity that would have died.

You are joking right. Insanity was killed to your spike traps, Frost killed Brax

That’s shit and you know it Noz.


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So PKR, siding with poor play from NozBugz isn’t worth it.

thing is, if I had CSed last night I couldn’t convert. Your contradicting yourself. Plus it’s one cult point and I have one cult point, I tried to CS frost N4, 1 CP gone, if I csed again I would have 0 cult points. also I don’t think I have it as CL