Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

You couldn’t coldsteel at all.

Not how that works.

CP buy abilities, then they have unlimited uses unless otherwise specified.


@Ashe please confirm, also can Alche heal wolf bleeding in FoL?

Yes to CP buy, nope to alch thing.

EDIT: brain pls

Still, there is no other possibility than you using your Lone Cultist ability last night. There would be at least one more death if Haemophilia had been used to multi-target, so it must have been you, Noz.

I have good reason to believe NozBugz is converted Night 1 either way.

Cult have killed Wolfy and that doesn’t change my story.

Frost you are completly wrong, I cannot target people on the same side. Also orange are you forgetting Frost can still normal kill, and you killed insanity with your spike traps? (he died from bleeding)

@Ashe are we sure that Pug is supposed to be alive right now?

I believe so lol, wdym?

I rest my case, you can still lie to your advantage while the king only voted me when you and orange only voted up means the majority.

You are the one who’s wrong here, you die from bleeding and you cannot be healed leaving you the only cultist alive who can’t even convert that night because Orange used last spike trap at Night 4 meaning he can’t get converted at that time until the night after. You have pretty much confirmed yourself how the conversions goes: 1, 3 and 5.

Orange doesn’t have chance to win on next day unless you are more active and I am confident that alchemist are still on BD and have my assurance he won’t get killed by me.

The cult are weak because of poor choices, the king will be swayed eventually.

Thing is if the Cl hits a convert immune, they don’t go to cooldown, they can convert the next night

If that’s true, then there have to be three cultists and not two.

If there was three cultist we would be in lylo

Which that wasn’t in your favor right now.

I have 1 other cultist, if @PokemonKidRyan would just finger you this day would be over soon

You only have one cultist aside you, that’s it.

Yes, they were converted this night. So I couldn’t have gotten a kill off this night

So you get converted Night 3? That’s cute.

Orange can’t be converted until Night 5.

Yes, but we just has N5, I went for someone who wouldn’t be safe from a conversion

had* Basically if meth would get his Israeli butt here this day would be done