Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

Polik tried to convert like two times, then you come along - cooldown active - Orange or Methnor.

Polik tried to convert me one time, then you must be converted N2 - cooldown active - Night 4, last spike trap kicked in and cult leader died making you the next cult leader and if he tried to convert Methnor at this point - cooldown active at N5

Either way, it’s just only you and that person.

The newest cult leader won’t able to use Brainwash in time.

No shit sherlock, I was made CL N4 after Polik’s death. So N5 I could convert. N7 we can convert as well

And this is where the alchemist can put end to cult oppression

Because of you, I doubt Pug will allow cult to win.

If he chooses too, right now we have a greater chance of winning

You are wrong, you are so wrong.

How am I? I can still kill as orange said and I can eliminate orange in a suicide run that might work

@Pug in that case feel free to heal me tonight

PKR guards himself and gg

I am not wrong that I am more sympathetic towards BD, so yes you have chance of winning.

But I wouldn’t recommend that, Pug.

@PokemonKidRyan If you are reading this - what will happen when NozBugz is on stand instead of me and you haven’t used royal finger yet - would you decide fate to execute, regarding of your cowardly king claim?

Votes For Nozbugz:

  • Frostwolf103

Votes for Frostwolf103:

  • Nozbugz
  • orangeandblack5
  • PokemonKidRyan

But, The Demon’s Deception has changed votes for Frostwolf103 to Nozbugz, causing majority to be reached!

Nozbugz has been voted to trial!

Does that convince you now, Ryan?

That the cult doesn’t have majority as you believe.

ARe you shitting me right now -_-
You guys pardon this now and get Frost up.

Ryan, use your decide fate you are waiting to use it.


Thing is Frost you are just buying yourself time, i die tonight so PKR will be wasting his decide fate

That’s fine, he can use royal finger next time.

Now hush while we end your suffering from slow agonizing death.

Also @ashe I was never voted by frostwolf so I shouldn’t be on trial

Don’t lie to GM.