Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

@Ashe /Decide Fate Execute
Majority has been reached on Frost anyway.
I suppose I can now reveal I was BD King playing you all

And I was right you were good king this whole time.


Honestly you should have left me to die next night eventually.

I can’t believe I had everyone tricked


Myself included.

Guess the game’s not over yet eh

Yep, you sure lost your game.

Pug keep healing me pls :>

Hey Pug.
We’re ”Neut” bros, right <3 !

You really, really shouldn’t have used decide fate, he’s going to betray you as well.

Funny that I am the only one who can kill Methnor at this point.

I mean, Pug can “kill” me by not healing lol

No, I know Pug will side with me.
I’m confident they’re on my side.
Also, you need healing Meth?

And this ladies and gentlemen, this is how kings get defeated, by using their day abilities for wrong reasons.

If I attack you and myself I’d need healing.

Nah, I’m just messing with ya.
Devout King here.
I just wanted to see your reactions.
Seems I was extremely Pro-BD to you Frost

PKR why must you toy with my emotions

I knew it, you couldn’t have fooled me for one second.

I did it for the laughs. Lmao

I was starting to devise stratagems and pleas for next day. You made me have to THINK. Not cool, bro.


Previous day is proof of that.