Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

And this is the thanks for the rebellious cult destroying their own god I get?

Bitch no you aren’t XD You weren’t the master manipulator you think you are, the only reason you lived was because of sketch and deception. Cult most likely would have won if you were lynched earlier as we would have reached parity with BD

That’s what she said, ooooo.

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Frost I don’t have time for your smart assery.

Yet you have time to prove I am wrong.


I have two moods, I can deal with shit, and fuck you all, I hope you all burn in fucking hell

Right now I’m in the ladder mood.

I almost have to thank Polik for this bad play from cult,


Pkr was conf scum day2


I consider myself the MVP

  1. I killed 1 scum while BD, and got confirmed
  2. when i got converted I killed again not using my cult points ability

At that point, I was half-expecting you wouldn’t be converted since you are attracting lot of attention for the cult leader due your ‘cred’ and at least got some protection, but they failed.

I corrected that mistake.

Paper plate awards

The “Fuck You” Award


No Really, I Hate Your Guts


Worst Player


Didn’t Deserve Their Win


The 32nd Annual Deleter Wisdom Award for Players That Should Not Be Allowed in Future Games


Least Salty Player Award


Obviously, I jest, but in this case I legitimately can’t come up with any paper plate awards because I was so detatched


Fool needs to be gone, I’ll probably talk about it at length later, but long story short we’re all intelligent enough for the role to be pointless and detrimental to gameplay

Probably not doing any more FoL until it’s out, to be honest. This was kind of the last straw. 10 minutes of no voting in ToL is bearable, if not any better for the game, but over a fucking week of no voting, even on the most obvious scum, completely destroyed any effort I might have put in. I come here to play a game, not to sit on my ass for literally hundreds of hours with jack shit to do.

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I didn’t believe the wolves code word at all, but almost immediately afterwards lost my will to play.

Not to mention, you give the code to unsuspecting cult leader AND did not talk I scumslipped this early when he is still alive.

Apparently I am very good at that, eroding their will.

Maybe he should have kept his knight claim a bit longer like I did.

Who cares about wins and losses?

I’m more concerned about the gameplay tbh

No, it was Sketch, not you

yep p much me

Sketch didn’t help me.