Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

Not if there is no scum

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Not if you can’t prove anything

Perhaps we can stop clogging up the thread with useless comments, would be really good so if any other players are watching sees this is a dedicated thread, and not just full of witless banter or anything that may put them off

But the world will end in 2 hours…

Monika will delete us…

Witless banter has some reason~

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You know that day 1 is always useless and the next day starts and for real.


Wrong. Day 1 Is actually useful. You may not be able to vote or anything, but day 1 allows people to talk and determine already who may or not be scum.

The jokes could be a way to make things look like banter, but could scum be hiding in there?

Those sort of things so yeah frost, as i said



So why are you discouraging it

I’m ill. If i don’t make sense during this day still, just ignore it

Did I look fabulous?

Orange, I’ll confirm Wolfy has been ill.
So his behaviour is NAI, despite what you might think.

Mass claim day two? Kappa

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9 minutes! beats the lock

1 minutee!!111!!

The last of the orange glow of the sun disappears under the horizon, and night falls upon Castle Adiart.

The sun rises on Castle Adiart, and a body is found!

Simon was found dead. They were The Prince.

They left a journal:


N1 - luxx claims sheriff, no info of course since it’s n1, slight town 
read since I don’t think luxx would come up with this claim

Well then!
This is a pretty abysmal start :expressionless:
So assuming for now that Luxx is being honest, we have Unseen, I believe?
I slept peacefully.

The Prince sniper strikes yet again! Why can I never do this in FoL but I can do it more often in ToL? Also, slept peacefully ladies and gents


gg wp am convertable you know where I live