Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

I guess we got a bit of time to wait for others to respond

I have a topic to share - I peeked Luxx last night… She’s neutral

I guess we have to be careful with her then if she is neutral. Compared to the game, we are better with the “Neuts Out” stigma, because we know how badly the Fool can punish us here, but at the same time, the lack of an NK kill could point it at Luxx. But what if she was the target and the fact that she was imprisoned prevented that?

I guess we have to wait and see

Why do you assume that it is unseen game and that Luxx is being honest?
The prince could have been killed by a nk.

Slept Peacefully btw

Nah, I don’t think she’s NK. Definitely Fool/scorned IMO. Not sure which

I was gonna say perhaps scorned target, but that wouldn’t work…

Put it this way - She’s claiming a unique class.

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That’s an interesting peek.
My simple question though Mole…
Why peek N1? Isn’t that very risky?

Also, I don’t think she’s NK either.
However, it is possible so we shouldn’t count that out.

Also, you are incorrect too here Mole.
Luxx can be sheriff.
Might not be evil necessarily

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That was so risky in the beginning. I guess we have to put her on our ignore list for now and be careful with other investigative results in case she is scorned…

But we can’t be too vigilant with that either, or we will let scum slip under or noses like that

The best thing I suggest is anyone claiming knight to CS her. If she lives, she’s scorned and can be killed later.

True with the peek point. I would have saved it for at least day 3 or 4…

Hmmm. Now my gut isn’t trusting the Mole. The fact he’s relying the fact she’s a Neutral makes me think he could not really be Observer, and instead, he is the Scorned.

Welp! This is off to a great start then(!)


Erm… no she isn’t she’s neutral therefore not sheriff
I peeked for lulz and to see what she is this time - she played super scummy in SFOL and wanted the possibility cleared off the bat this game.

Scorned claiming target is neutral, not unseen/cult?

Erm what?

English please? I’m confused with that sentence…

Mole, you have to admit that a N1 peek as observer is pretty shifty at least.
You sound like scorned or fool yourself just from claiming to have peeked N1
As for the “Scorned wouldn’t say Neutral argument” heck yeah they would!
Often we want to get rid of NK before Unseen/Cult so it’d be a good move on your part.
As an intelligent player, I don’t put that past your level of capability.

Also, as for the Luxx thing, yeah, I forgot about how druid works for a second.
They wouldn’t come up as neutral.
They’d come up as having vines around their house.

I’m scorned claiming my target is neutral - not unseen or cult? Is that what you are saying?

NK has no reason to claim sheriff in jail. That’s horrible and stupid. No, they are scorned or fool for sure.

Yes, I believe that’s what Wolfy is saying.
For now, I do agree with him, this is far too convenient for you right now.
Oh I peeked someone N1 guys, trust me!
Yeah, I wouldn’t peek N1 and I don’t see any reason why you would either.
Don’t even try to make it sound like you was doing it just for the lulz.
That’s not what sort of player you are.

I feel like you’re using the game meta to try and get rid of your target if that was the case

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