Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

Say Mole was right and Luxx was Fool, then we punished ourselves, and we gave (if cult) the time to make kills and then recruit a fourth member or (if Unseen) make their two kills and get a convert off as well.

However, as for who I would first vote for, I would have no idea. I would have to actually wait and see for more activity which would be more useful than Hip and Noz’s useless memeing.

However, at the same time, they could be just memeing to hide their evil side as they tend to meme at times when they wait for other player’s presence, so we might need to take that into consideration as well.

But until then, I would say no one and if worst comes to worse, I would rather get rid of the “Observer” because to me, that is a really bad thing to do. Out themselves as a convertible class to find a neutral where the possibility of a Court Wizard is minimal? I don’t think so!

Sound good to you?

I’m sad all of you think I’m either scummy or stupid, with no master plan at all :frowning:


@Wolfy which of these do you think is more likely and why?

I personally did say at the start of this game I would kill off inactive players.
May I ask what you think about that?
As I believe activity is very important for BD myself (And scorned/fool/evil sometimes too I suppose).
Which is why I always try and stay active.
It benefits everything.

@PokemonKidRyan which do you think is most likely too?

Define active by how many hours?

I would say I could be down for that idea, but yet I’m also against the idea for many points, but I’ll give a few main reasons.

  1. They are BD and they did not have the time to check results properly, write in their journal or may miss the deadline time becasue of real life, so we have to keep that in mind
  2. You’re right, we may hit the Fool that way, so again, need to be careful
  3. Even if a person may be inactive, don’t go for just the inactive ones. Some of the most active players can be scum.

Take Frost and me. We’re probably as active when we can be, and we talk a lot. The only thing is, do we speak rubbish and try and mislead people into mis-executing the BD, or are we actually BD ourselves, yet we make it sound so scummy by talking to much.

In my opinion, it’s about the balance. You have to be extremely careful. Don’t just rely on the memers and the people inactive. Also pay attention to the more active people.

That’s what I think, and stand by if I can

I’m pretty confident Wolf is BD for a change

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Well Wolf, I think for now you’re lock BD.
So I’mma keep you in my VFs for further analysis alright?
I do think that your words are fair there.
Yes, we have to be careful, active people can be evil too indeed.
However, it’s called PL right?
Just policy lynching the inactive.
Those more active can check others of course.

Also, as well as the ignore Mole command.
Second command to all players: Update journals every time you can.
We wanna know which NK we have after all.

OK, @pokemonkidryan is an evil king. No BD king would want uncertainity - he’d rather keep the truth hidden than solve the truth - he refuses to answer questions. Evil King.

PKR is known for rallying the BD, in fact it’s about time I am going to see actual starter good king for once.

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Gambler’s Fallacy

Also… he’s not rallying. He’s sweeping the issue under the rug. He’s not arguing I’m lying, he isn’t believing me - He refuses to prove anything. He doesn’t want to know if I’m lying OR telling the truth - no BD King would want that.

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Have to agree with you there actually…

We have had occasions where starting King was good, but they just would act scummy at times and we thought they had to be evil, and lo and behold, we were wrong.

I believe you misunderstood my point, I am talking about PKR actually intend to talk and act like good king

I’m saying he isn’t - He’s ignoring the issues and wanting to talk about anything else

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Sure anyone can ‘claim’ they are good, but do we have good kings in these games lately and not suspicious? You are first person to distrust the king right now, Moleland.


Which of these do you think is true?

1)Telling the truth - I didn’t CC Luxx so I must be confident that someone else will/might instead.
2)Lying - most likely as either evil faction or fool. This play only really helps a fool tho, as I’m not advocating executing Luxx.
3)Reaction testing

It wouldn’t be 33%, because reaction testing also contains lying just to lure real scum to slip.

So, trick exposed?

Lying - as in ‘not BD’ lying. Reaction testing is a BD thing