Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

oh he’s the King?

yeah I’d exe that

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I’m second

I see no town motivation for trying to get others to ignore Frost

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still luv bottle btw

*Mole w/e

Yay caught up

Feel comfortable trusting tardis and Mole rn

PKR current top scum but there’s like zero ways to get rid of him in a timely manner iirc

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Anyway, hello.
I’ve just came back.
Also, Orange, don’t you see my points at all?

Many people in previous FoL games have said ignore (x, y, z (Normally Noz)) because they’re acting like fool or Scorned.
In which to Wolfy and me, Mole is

quote that and I might entertain your point

I’m on my phone.
May do it tomorrow

Also hol’ up

I don’t see anywhere in the rules where you can’t vote the King early

Let me consult the GM manual

I never said you can’t vote me.
But what exactly would be the point?
I’ve done nothing anti-BD.
Just trying to lead as usual.
And not trusting an action which is illogical

Also we have no confirmed BD right now at all.
You might be making it so an evil can step up.
If anyone else can step up after me that is.


Is the quickest example I could find

I peeked you as psychic night one too :slight_smile: Don’t judge me by your standards. You ignoring legitimate questions, which is scummy!

:cry: I’m hurt


But do you think Mole is Fool?

Hell, even if he was, I wouldn’t ignore Mole

That’s not good practice for smart players


Noz, people have said to ignore you before because of your plays, right?

I think he’s Fool or Scorned personally.

I’m only saying ignore as in ignore him telling Maid to use ability this early on and ignore CS’ing so far as we don’t need our members dying quickly

Also, don’t even try and say I’m not a smart player

I’ll say upfront if I seem terrible, I’ve been out of practice for a while. So give me some leeway

(Quick edit to correct a word)

but are we really comfortable equating these two people?

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Look, Maid shouldn’t give away they exist this early on.
Nothing should at all.
Which is why I hard suspect Mole.
Why out as investigative day 2? That’s not BD AI for him at all.
You can’t even deny that dude

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