Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

Orange, why would you want to vote me?
I’m just trying to work that out.
You’re down for insanity then you’re flopping on me.
:musical_score: “You change your mind, like a girl changes clothes”

@Hippolytus no offence but what’re you on?
You was trolling somewhat D2 start and now you’ve randomly came out saying you think I’m Cult King?
First of all, we don’t even know if it’s cult or Unseen this game.
We also have no signs of which NK it is right now too.
So your assertion has very little base.
Unless you’re going to be the 4th claim so far and gonna claim Paladin >_>

Why would I push Mole if I thought he was evil already?
I literally suggested that I thought he was converted N1 and he outed because he’ll get no more info.
I explained my PoV already and I’m just trying to understand why you’re thinking what you are.
It’s important to discuss these things after all!

s not a Pkr thing to do. I thought Pkr pays attention ;3

Apparently he did the ‘same’ mistake about Ashe, that doesn’t mean anything.

where is that in the card?


Of all songs to reference you had to pick the one that makes me want to deathtunnel you

OK, I’m bored of this reaction test.
OK, I’m not observer


I’m Paladin

I really want to call bs on that, because this is the same begining as last game!!!

I know, it’s hilarious that the fool is claiming Sheriff again

So you can tell Luxx is no cult either, only because Simon died and revealed the information?

I doubt luxx is cult. I mean, she could be, but she probably isn’t.

So basically have @Ami get Luxx to prove both?


unless Mole is already doing the gambit

which would be an alright-ish play lol

I s2fg Mole :expressionless:
You went from an observer outing to now outing as Paladin
DESPITE us saying for the other sheriff/paladin not to out yet.
Holy flip dude, you are really triggering me this game.
Is this the truth now, or do you want to lie again to us?
As if you think any of us should believe you right now after all this, then please think on for now.
Until you’re dead, I don’t believe you.

No harm done - we have an alch claim afterall :slight_smile:

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That doesn’t mean anything at all!
You might be lying for goodness sakes!
Name 1 reason why we should trust you at all?
You might as well claim Fool now with what you’ve done so far!

That’s 3 I think @Hippolytus


Because I’ve done this before lol.

You checked if Luxx is cult using your ability and it’s not positive?

What? What’s the point of lying she’s not Neutral?


  1. That doesn’t mean it’s right to do it again
  2. Doesn’t really mean that you’re good just because you’ve done it before
  3. Really just makes me question you because you’re often a really intelligent player yet you’re pulling something like this right now.
  4. Really doesn’t get rid of my scorned idea on you