Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

I was about to tell people to stop voting so it doesn’t get hammered

then I remembered this is FoL


@Braixen could I have more input from you? You are not saying a lot and just sheeping


Wait, why are we voting strangle?

hot take

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Also it helps that the push to make this a wagon comes from slots I tl

The only non-townlean on this wagon in Insanity

So you know what that means the scum should do…


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Would not at all be surprised by Fool!Insanity

I really don’t have anything to say

Nothing at all? That seems kinda suspicious :eyes:


I request to be modkilled, even though I will lose for doing this. I just cannot continue this game

That’s where you request replacement

also rip

@Weizen1988 no excuses

Guys just because I don’t get time doesn’t mean I am lying low…As I said I am useless right now so I have to realy on scumreads and my gut and also /unvote mole

@Ashe Pug requests replacement

Rip Pug.

Pug you do know that you will get a blacklist.

okay then, I didn’t know that. I’m changing my mind now even though this game definitely isn’t more important than my mental health

@Ashe /revoke replacement

Hey no strangle stop requesting replacement for valid reasons doesn’t result in a blacklist

If it does for some asinine reason that needs to change immediately