Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

I know, I’m saying she wasn’t sacrificed.

Insanity could be NK and attacked orange? Is that how it works?

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She could have been both. If I was CL that is what I would have done.

In FoL spike traps bleed anybody who visits so that doesn’t necessarily mean Insanity is an NK. Doesn’t rule it out, though (although what would rule it out is Wolfy dying if it wasn’t the CL killing him).

I’m just trying to think of things which explain no NK deaths. No one claimed roleblocked N1.

Also worth noting that Simon wasn’t revived.

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/vote mole

No second kill, and I trapped?

Scum claim?

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Works fine for me!

My thought exactly

But then Insanity would be CL


what the heck

wait what

Just going to point this out.
I’d rather Orange isn’t voted as King (In 2 days time) for 1 reason only.
It is more than possible that he’ll be converted within these 2 days.
Likely possible even tonight, is it not?

Therefore saying “Oh we should make x, y, z King” really is counter-intuitive in my opinion.
It’s painting a big target on their back, which is going to force healers to act differently than they should be.
If healers heal Orange to stop him getting killed, it’s still possible he gets converted, is it not?

Now we have an outed Drunk claimant and an outed confirmed Hunter.
Yeah, this is very bad for us in itself.
It’d have been better if we had nobody outed right now except Mole.
As Mole was confirmed and cannot be converted.
Same sadly cannot be said for Orange now.

Can you hang King D3? Do you vote for King same day if you hang King?


eking confirmed :wink:

Well I know in normal ToL that you have to wait until the following morning if King is voted up.
There was some discussion on this before so maybe they altered it to fit the ToL way.

Also, yes, Mole can use Blessing on Orange.
However, isn’t that too obvious anyway?
Furthermore, within these 2 days Mole would have to waste both Blessings to make it so Orange survives to King with 100% success of being unconverted.
I mean, yes, it’s great to have confirmed BD King.
But it’s a big waste at the same time to have used up all conversion prevention on 1 dude.

@orangeandblack5 haven’t you used that once already though?
Or was that seriously a random wolf attack?

I used it once, can use it tonight, only need one blessing

Which is very worth it for the regicide