Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

I believe PKR’s claim. His actions do scream “I’m a Neutral trying his best to Survive!”

Yes, I know that Mole.

Cult King would be the same :slight_smile:
But he didn’t take actions that would help us (Guarding Wolfy/Me (Luxx if he doubted me!)) so we can’t trust him.

Tomorrow we’ll make our most suspicious person vote PKR first I reckon. Anyway, Cowardly King can still win if dead. There was no reason to lie.

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I never said I trusted him.

Just that I believe his claim for now.

Mole, I suspect Methnor and we shouldn’t nolynch.
I want to know what you personally think of my thought there.

Mole who did you even check last night?

Sketch has been super quiet I wouldn’t mind lynching him.

Sketch is normally quiet, so I don’t suspect anything of his inactivity for now tbh.

Why do you suspect me? Because I called you out on your Mad King gambit?

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You haven’t contributed other than that.
So it feels like you’re trying not to help BD that much.
Instead it feels like you’re trying to stay fairly hidden if you get what I mean.
Not being too quiet, nor too loud and obvious so we’d suspect you.

At least you can understand where I’m coming from, yes?

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I understand where you’re coming from, sure, but the reason I’ve not contributed much because I don’t have any relevant information to share. I’ve offered my thoughts on things as they’ve come up, and nothing else I have is pertinent at this moment in time.

I’m about to turn in for the night. If people decide to hop on this (ill-advised, I assure you) wagon, I ask that you leave me at L-1 so that PKR can’t Decide Fate me before I can say something. I’m also confirmable.

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I am inclined to agree with Meth for reasons that are plainly obvious.

There’s nothing to suspect about Meth and Sketch other than they play scum quite well

/vote Methnor

but don’t think of this as me trusting you


I can’t because alchs can’t heal bleeds… in FoL

I can only prevent deaths which sucks.

that is something.

GG for me.

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/vote Methnor


Were you Demon?