Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)


Or we could get Polik now

@Ashe how much longer do we have?

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3 days read the bottom you hoe

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Fine, I’ll claim.
I’m Princess. I wisped night 1 and someone visited me, I’ll say who if required, otherwise I ask the people who got the notification to confirm getting it.
N2 I Flirted Luxx (I honestly missed Noz saying he was going to CS her) and got Special/Investigative which is why I said I believed she was not disguised.

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I get the feeling Cult’s first night convert might have failed and/or they weren’t expecting Luxx to die or they would have disguised her flip as fool or sheriff or something.

That would be my guess, Moleland. It doesn’t remove the possibility that Luxx is actually sheriff and is disguised as Acolyte just to make fun of your claim, since there’s no contradiction with Methnor’s Flirt at night 2.

I got no notification about the wisp though, on my end anyway.

I got no notification about a wisp.
If others have, then we’ll unvote and we can vote whoever else is suspected as we have plenty of time.

I say the following should happen

@Methnor Wisp myself tonight
@Pug Heal Meth tonight

Anyone else who visits Meth tonight is making a scum claim. If Pug doesn’t visit, he gets killed

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I’m down with this claim, provided somebody speaks up with the wisp.

I agree with this

Good idea IF this wisp is confirmed first.
If not, then I’d advise Pug to heal you

Eh, Nah. Scum won’t attack me. :slight_smile:

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They wouldn’t?
Explain why please.
Unless you mean Noz protecting you.
In which, Noz is sorta confirmed anyway, so shouldn’t they protect with their instinct of who’ll be attacked?
Yes, it’s great that you’re confirmed, but wouldn’t that be more likely to dissuade attackers?

Noz shouldn’t guard me, because scum won’t attack me. They never do :sunny:

sorta confirmed my asss! I am literally confirmed knight

nah not really tbh

I wonder how I was able to CS luxx then without sharing the “Yolobomb” DN

Noz is Probably knight, but could not be still.

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NK exists

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Also Mole why not just vote Insanity in your plan?