Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

Frost has been sus this whole game and what is more sus is how they took my scum biat


Your bait is stupid.

Your logic doesn’t make sense

The process of elimination says you are scum.

Orange is pretty much fed with your mind games and so am I.

Claim. Now.

Process of elimination you say? Well my process of elimination says your scum.

Want me to CS Brax?

Since that won’t kill you when Braixen flips scum, be my guest.

Be my guest too, although you wouldn’t be able too.

That is my last clue.

Oh ho ho ho, that’s rich.



Can we strangle him? Brax can’t be Hunter, that much is confirmed.


Nah fam it’s cuz im the demon and im night immune

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You can’t be Paladin, Moleland already claimed.

cringing intesfies Now is not the time for jokes, my tinfoil thing had something in it valuable at least

at the very least I know frost isn’t scum.
Just stupid ;3 (I kid)

Btw that’s another clue

If this is cult I can say two things. (Keeping open mind from herb)
-Brax is our CL
-Insanity is our Demon

Wow your logic is soo perfect!

Considering your refusal to claim, and I think Polik is asleep. You are the best lead we got

Want me to hard claim?

I hard claim that Moleland is scum
