Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

That’s why I mentioned the simple answer, do I not?

One way to find out is when @Pug answer this question: Are you controlled to visit someone and if so, why heal?

How the hell would cult get moleland, there was no cult sacrfice and CL can’t self sacrifice

Also Insanity was immune to my attack

PKR didn’t send a guard to Paladin and if there’s no cult sacrifice then either Alchemist or Demon did it, but I doubt that’s the case.

What I think how the cult member have survived Blood of Mithras is from controlling the alchemist in healing the cult member in question and that is possible as Invoker.

Let’s say you are the Invoker, NozBugz.

If I was Invoker I wouldn’t be smart enough to do that or pussied out due to thinking he would heal instead

woah insanity is evil what???

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never once did that thought cross my mind

Well I CSed him and he was immune, I’m guessing he is demon

If so, who killed who last night???

I think you just broke your own claim lol

I was seeing if he was cult leader/cult member or other assorted scum

If he’s Demon, who killed Polik and who killed Mole?

I’d love to hear that.

I’ve literally just came online.
Wasn’t on at all throughout Night 4 which is why I didn’t guard Mole.
Sorry guys >_>
I was really busy and forgot to check these forums.
Or at least this part of them


very bd-like

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My guess
Insanity-Killed Polik
Pug-Killed Mole due to some controlling ability

Being busy irl isn’t anything AI.
It’s just something which cannot be helped.
So yeah…
Not very BD, but not very anything evil either.

NozBugz is confirmed Invoker.

Nope not a chance

Insanity killed nobody last night.