Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

What are you even saying

What if I am bd? Doesn’t that mean Noz is dead, A investigator wasted a night, and alot of other bad things occur.

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I guess because I’m a neutral. I shouldn’t be trying to exactly side with BD.

If any Cult or NKs are reading this, please don’t kill a possible ally in the end.

I’m just gonna be saving my bomb though.

I still think Insanity is NK though. (Pls don’t kill me NK, I can be an ally towards you if you keep me living)

Pug should heal Noz in case


I guess I can because if he is a Knight Invoker, he would’ve killed a BD so we can just execute him tomorrow…

Unless a Cult member dies the same night as well as NK’s target, Noz gets executed, We don’t have any physicians unfortunately (or fortunately) so I guess we execute Noz if Braix is a dead BD and I have to heal Noz.

There surely aren’t any Strings of Corax’s left, I honestly think Noz is scum if there are more Invokers.


Good night, everyone.

I supposed rip me.

Yeah, no. I stated that NozBugz is likely Cult Invoker than Knight, but we find out if Insanity dies tomorrow by bleeding.

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I think Insanity is NK. so I guess it’s good riddance if he is NK?

Noz might be misleading me though

Orange never mentioned about being attacked, twice.

Ah, okay then…

Anyway, who is everyone in this game as of rn… I’m honestly confused about who NK could be if it wouldn’t be Insanity.

but Noz is definitely converted Knight Invoker…

and frost while you’re here, can you please get my gender right?

totally a woman, but I take you seriously, also this is the hint

I know, tbh. I think I’d rather save it for someone who is specifically a threat to me winning as a neutral.

Idk why I care about BD so much…

Certainly not me, I am willing to side with you.

I’ll be sure to help you too. IF your faction has majority but I’d rather save my yolos until later in the game.

And there are probably no more Invokers who have Strings.

But I’m a BD Neut for now.
also question about Demon? If someone heals the attacked, does the healer die?

Should the demon use the day ability before deciding to kill the target and visitors, healer and otherwise, will die.

That’s at least the theory I believe, that bind soul may not have mattered if Insanity would have killed Orange and that’s why he couldn’t be the NK.

When it says empower the kill ability, I think that bypasses immunity.

So healing would have no effect as well.

Ah, okay then.

Thanks for answering my question.

So, should I do nothing tonight because I’m not going to use my 2nd and only yolobomb. Also I have no stoneskins left. So any killers reading this…

DO NOT attack me, I will be very sad. (it’s also a waste of attack)

The king can provide you protection and you heal the king.

And the cult will do no doubt brainwash third member either Methnor, Orange or me.

I believe you understand the issue I am providing you?

Yeah, I understand.

Idk who to bomb though… because I’d just want to vote with majority anyway.

If I get wrong target, Cult wins. If I bomb the right target BD pretty much wins…

I guess I’ll heal PKR then because we both are fellow cowards…