Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

To be fair, Spike Traps attack anyone who visit that night and that means even converters will get caught and the hunter will remain faithful.

So no, Orange can’t be converted unless we find out Insanity haven’t died at all.

After all, we’re talking mostly about Invokers.

What about if Orange lied about trapping?
Is that possible?
(Just discussing all possibilities)

It is possible, yes.

Hunter can become Invoker after all and so is Insanity.

The problem is NozBugz if he’s telling the truth about coldsteeling single Invoker (Insanity that visited Orange) that survived the attack for some reason.

I mean if he knew that Orange is immune to occupation, why would he bother?

Couldn’t Demon have killed both people who died?
Or is that impossible too?

Aha! It’s possible!
I remembered the ability @Frostwolf103.

Yeah but did the demon ever successfully used that ability to kill many people as possible? It doesn’t seem that way.

They might’ve targeted the CL after using that ability.
Then Mole might’ve been controlled to the CL.
Causing Mole to be killed but not anyone visiting Mole @Frostwolf103

According to Alchemist, Pug got controlled into attacking Moleland.

So the cult haven’t technically attacked that night.

So that’s what Pug said and I incline to trust that.

And what exactly @Frostwolf103?
Cult couldn’t have killed, but that doesn’t matter does it?
Pug killed Mole and Demon killed CL.
All deaths present and accounted for, still leaving possibility of Orange’s conversion.

Let’s not forget Insanity’s faking through hunter’s spike trap into this consideration.

What about me, Braixen and NozBugz?


One thing that make sense into this is that because someone thought it’s good idea to control the alchemist should have reconsidered.

That not one but two invokers have been converted so far.

And who can be converted Invokers from the class-wise?

Drunk, Hunter and Knight and probably Butler, but there’s the Fool.

Wait really? How? Because that narrows things down a lot

Also it ain’t me unless you think Insanity lied both times

Yes indeed, NozBugz claimed to coldsteel Insanity and is immune to this.

But I mean, the fact that Insanity visit a lot isn’t something first converted Drunk would able to do that so either he is the one who got converted at Night 3 or just not smart.

I don’t believe NozBugz’s claim on Lux anymore, he can bluff us that Polik simply sacrificed their acolyte attempt to kill someone, like Wolfy.

@Frostwolf103 Ask Moleland in dead chat.

I would’ve been killed Day 4 if I didn’t visit Meth…

He’ll say that I visited Meth n3 to heal him.

I sorta think insanity is NK. someone should attempt to occupy him to confirm if he’s Occupyable or Drunk/non occupiable NK.

but I was supposed to attack Polik and got Mole instead…

Neuts In? maybe?

I’ll do nothing tonight as you said

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No, I was controlled into Moleland but Mole could’ve visited him.