Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

This happens tonight.

BTW, Court Wizard’s on PKR. If PKR gets occupied CW’s die.

If you want to claim CW, I am not getting occupied. Kek.
Also, @Sam17z If we mislynch someone else.
Do I get to choose which person I revive tonight?

Sure if they are more valuable than Marl.

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Who ever benefits the BD more.

But it’s stuff to beat hunter, but if you could beat it go for it.

:woman_facepalming: Im over here healing Prince and yall be like lets get Insanity first and then Celeste

Did you bomb Marl? @Margaret

No, I did not. I healed the prince in fear of y’all executing me today

In my mind: “If Im a good little alch, maybe I’ll survive to the end of the game”

I got to be honest it is not looking good for you. You were jailed N1, and there was no death. And there was a death N2. The odds are that you are poss or demon. Apologies if you are actually alch. Prince should take care of you.

Wouldve killed the Prince as a final “Good job Cult” :thinking:

Celeste, look on the bright side. If Insanity is NK you win. If we lynch NK today you might not die. So it’s in your best interest to Lynch and find the NK. Otherwise, it might be you so you will have to die.

This is only if you are alch.

:thinking: Like I said Im kinda in a predicament. Im not an investigative so I cant find NK unless I yolobomb it :thinking:

Celeste, scum read. You have the rest of the day to find them or you die.

Classic Celeste scumread.


Pug and Dama… final answer… One of them is evil at the very least…

You’re not the only one, I got incompatible result as well I may have found either last cult or NK.

Remember he got compatible result from me together with NozBugz, so he can’t be anti town if my second matchmake is neutral