Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

But then if he is CL he converts :thinking:

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Moleland, do you think Wolfy is Scum!King?

If he doesn’t prove himself, Prince can just jail him 24/7 for the rest of the game until we find who he converted. Ezpz.

Can we follow up in this Insanity lead?

Or we should get Damafaud.


At least someone does not have royal blood passive from what I know, so I better not out that person.

/vote @Damafaud


/vote Damafaud

Let’s see what he claims.

Eh. On the fence tbh

He’s not in pressure yet and didn’t slip much, but inactivity doesn’t speak well for his defense.

Damafaud could be a 1000 IQ fool.

He probably doesn’t even need to frame himself for Maid, you know? It’s hard to tell.

Should he flip Fool however, then one is either Paladin, Prince or NK which can be proven with matchmake.

If you are so worried matchmake me with yourself. See what you get. Unless you get converted we should be good.

No, not you. As far I am aware, someone is framing us.

I think pretty good odds that Puggo is framing me. I was pushed mad hard by Puggo.

I’m not Devout King. I’ve sent my guards on Insanity this night.

But the thing I’m wondering now is whether or not Hip is bsing us or whether he is scorned and one of his targets are either Sam or Frost


Sam is provable. Frostwolf, not so much.

Oh please, are you shading me? Not nice.

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Pug claimed Physician so that sort of stuff isn’t possible.

I think we have a scorned then to be honest with you. True it can be me being devout King, but if I was devout, I would have framed Mole or Hip to be frank with you guys.