Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win


No. Just simply, no

Also I’m coining the term Sheradin, if anyone else uses it you gotta paypal me

How much?

Why don’t you want me to be healed? I said if someone more important comes along they can have him. I just don’t wanna be gibbed n1.

Sheradin :tm:

Oh sorry Hip, but turns out I did and authenticated with a trademark. I guess now you can’t call claims

Depends who uses it :wink:


Celeste D1 alch claim it seems.

You got lawed out by a law student.

Shhh Sam we cant outright claim or else Alfa gets mad

If Hippo has a personal protector alch on them how do we know that Hippo is BD?

I claim NightX

Why you think I said it worse than using rng then?


(Reeees at you guys)


Woop woop

Bows before Wolfy

kneels to Wolfy

Fite me.

Why does no one want me healed jeeeez

Sam17z Does not kneel to Wolfy.