Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

just an extra healer to lose but Celeste is still here for you all BD.


also I’m not the convert

Why were you so eager to claim d2 then?

AtE = Appeal to Emotion

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keep in mind.

Boss could actually be telling the truth and Wolfy could be Devout if Night was exed by Mole

I felt like it.

I felt like attempting to put suspicions off me but I just put them on me

Boss inadvertently leaked in the dead chat that the n1 convert was successful

Marl, want to wolf me and see my immunity?

:thinking: game would be so much easier if that was the case

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well I’m not PKR or you so how would I know?

What do you mean Moleland DIDNT Require healing for the wolf?

I said it earlier today

I got it too, it was weird

Reading isn’t fun tho.

I don’t want to try it

Why are you alive again btw? I thought I bombed you?

On my exe. Enjoy exeing another BD.

If Mole doesn’t say he killed Night

Want me to exhume

PKR revived

Oh cool

Aww that means I cant confirm I didnt bomb him :frowning:

Moleland not requiring healing makes absolutely no sense