Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

also, remember the uncompatable between Frost and Dama?

Frost is the more legit claim here imo… So yeah.

alright yeah true. But they are both dead.

A different leader is in charge now

I’m fine with hanging Dama if he didn’t wisp.
@Damafaud What’d you do last night?

Yeah but the dumb one could have easily converted you

agreed, if Dama didn’t wisp.

We exe.

yeah, well I’m still not CL.

Meth, want to check me 2nite?

Meth can just check me btw

Prove I’m not a convert

Sam sent out a PA at start of day, he’s clear.
If Moleland confirms executing Night, and Frost is NS and non compatible with Dama, Dama is probably next up on the chopping block.

Any more incompatibles from our maids? @Frostwolf103 @Hippolytus

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Haven’t decided who I’m checking tonight, waiting for more people to report in.

just saying if a frame happens. It’s either a Scorned or Devout King.

Why am I “randomly” saying Wolfy is Devout.

I think Wolfy is good right now, I’m just saying that it’s always a possibility

I think CL’s affect is the Frame one?


@Wolfy Did you debt Mole n1 or n2?

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If Mole was debted he wouldn’t have gotten bled in the first place, or am I wrong?

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you’re probably right

Some things still need to be figured out, of course, but at least the list of people who could be the CL and/or last night’s conversion is pretty small.
Will see later when more people have checked in.

just saying you can check me tonight and you’ll see me as NS unless someyhing frames me.

Marl and PKR are both confirmed.

Meth obviously is.

I trust Hippo’s claim

Frost is cool too.

Marl is forever BD.

Also don’t use wolf on me yet.
Use it when I’m most sus

As a last resort, if we truly have no other leads after we get more check ins, we can put Sam on the throne for a confirmed good king.

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