Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

That’d be sick af

Someone make an sfol about that

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/confirming my inner Insanity

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Dude just look at Carnival
We get so much info from hanging the king

In what way is wanting the king dead risk free anti town? He has a 66% chance of not being good and we risk nothing by having Celeste kill him

You are not a good king

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I think we can safely bet the king is not BD. Just by the probability.

Everyone has confirmed, so it’s now night!

As the sun sets upon out peaceful castle everyone shuffled to their room with high hopes of tomorrow, whispers and foot steps can be heard as the castle drifts into silence


Actions are locked in, I’ll be sending morning announcment and results in a scond

Good morning everyone!

No one died (Well someone almost did, but mod error)

A crier arrives with a message!

Well there is A Noble amongst us, I am the only one. Just sending out a crier to confirm that there is a noble. Well try to fake noble if you want but since there is only 1 (me) you might have a difficult time. This will be the only time I send a crier unless I have info that is very important to share with the town. From now on only orders, (unless I feel like sending a crier) Also if you get ordered please do not say you got ordered. I don’t want anyone faking my class because they know who got ordered when. Furthermore, if you get ordered it means 1 of 2 things A. you are voting me and or pressuring me, forcing me to claim, and other things involving me to out myself or B. I read you as scum and I don’t want you to vote and or I don’t like who you are voting.

If you didn’t get a result that means you slept peacefully.

Hey Prince, how about we make a deal, u dont kill me and I wont tell who you are :wink:

Better idea: Don’t out the Prince

You out prince you die btw.

Thats why I said to make a deal :wink:

how did you know who is prince? :thinking:

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Cuz they were stupid and told me who they were in your message