Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win


Hurry up, since you have last chance now to confirm final night plan

Reading graves is fun. You should really try it, or it will put you in a grave situation


Say that again when I flip Noble.

So I bomb Sam… mole executes some random guy, pug heals Mole… everyone else is insignificanr


If you don’t want to you don’t have to. Just bomb frost instead

Good news, I actually went to poke around Damafaud and he’s special so he lied about his princess claim

He doesn’t need RB check–

Oh my god he’s most likely converted by now

Just seven hours ago you make baseless speculation

Read above

I already used my RB checks but I am very positive that Dama is not Princess since he have Special result on him, therefor he’s the N1 Convert turned Cult leader.

You asking to bomb me after catching Cult leader? Like that’s going to happen

Yeah how do you know I am Neutral? You don’t.

Now I see Noz is on trial, let me check his defense somewhere…

So that doesn’t make him N1 convert since I poked around Dama who got special result which he doesn’t fake as Neutral.

You see, I said Dama was cult leader and I was right.


Why would I won’t my own cult. Because I am noble. Can we discuss the bombing again.

No, my result come first before your theory.

But you were not on when you posted your result.

So? Not my fault I like Sea of Thieves right now. So anyway, you have no proof that Dama is Cult leader unless you are N3 convert - am I wrong?

Well I got proof.

And that’s not Royal Blood check.

Well, I’m executing Dama, so it’s fine.

Cool beans.


Almost consider to poke around Hippo but I changed my action mid-way at N3.

I read Dama was cult leader that was my proof because he said he forgot to wisp. So I knew he was Cult. And I said he was Cult before anyone else did. So why would I out my cult leader. If there is no evidence against him. Because I am not Cult.