Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

Let’s find out ~

So what this suggest should this be correct that Hippo lied about Dama being Royal Blood because I got contradiction that Dama is Special and therefor he shouldn’t have RB anymore.

Meth is probably checking me which is your best chance to frame me actually

You are only wasting my time, just give it up and tell your targets.

no u

Pug : BD/Physician
Marl : Hunter
Techwolves : Acolyte
Methnor : Paladin
Frostwolf : Maid
Insanity : Court Wizard
PKR : Priest
Wolfy : {KING}
Dama : Princess - Cult Leader
Celeste : Alchemist/Neutral
Hippo : Neut
Mole : Prince
Sam : Noble
Noz : BD
Boss : Cult Leader
Night : NK

The game is basically over, should Noz flip over as Invoker.

There’s another contradiction for you, Hippo.

Sam can’t be N1 convert and yet you brag earlier that your matchmake got incompatible result between him and me, you paint me for NK or simply Neutral, well I proved my innocence by having NightX and Dama as Incompatible and with that information, NightX is executed as Reaper which confirms me a lot actually, but am I done? No, I poke around Dama and he got Special result. So Moleland the prince can execute him as well - which makes me no Scorned.

This rivalry only exists in your own apparently words but you just made your own case worse that you got NOTHING confirmed with your Maid claim.

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So why do you try to conclude that me and Sam are not compatible when I already checked Sam for RB and he got positive.

Which weakens your claim more.

Plus, if night had attacked frost and found he was scorned, he wouldn’t have said to me ‘That maid check screwed me’

Aha, he could have stay composed and apparently I got Cult and NK in single matchmake.

Of course that doesn’t prove Noz is not N1 convert or not, but I find out Dama is the N1 convert.

So hang on

Dama is the cl confirmed now. What else happened while I was gone? Asking before force exeing

And trust me, my second RB check went to Methnor previous day- it helps the claim list for me.

Hippo and Sam mainly are pushing me for Scorned still, but my evidence says otherwise.
My next action is going to be discreet.

The only threat, that stops me from getting results is the Alchemist.

Sounds good enough for me. Slightly scummy with your final sentence about being discreet ngl, but you’re essentially proven maid for now

I know Hippo have to be Neutral and is best to leave him alone trying to lynch me, because I get better results.

We had a feeling Hip may be Scorned/Fool, so it’s fine for now

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When you come back on, best you post the night plan again and set a poll for those alive to say yes or no to the plan. I know the likely person that will say no to it, but oh well. After we have six yes’s, I will force exe cuz I may be asleep later

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Frost if you are converted N3 then you are not confirmed.

We can say that about you too