Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

But I am about to die, Frost is not about to die. So don’t use me as an example. I made peace with death btw.

So once all the death happens. If the game does not end:

  • Lynch Frost
  • Jail and Exe Dama
  • Pug should bleed out
  • Marl bear
  • Moleland prince things

If game is alive after that it means 1 of 3 things

  • Marl was converted

  • PKR was converted and Methnor lied

  • Wolfy is Devout

  • It 100% means pug was converted and converted someone when she bled out unless Wolfy is devout

I am sacrificing myself for the cause

Does anyone object to the clauses I posted above. I am probs going to Royal Announce those clauses incase someone forgets.

Mole’s getting my heals then

Marl is immune to convert as he was revived

I’m pretty sure

Not any more

They changed it so that those revived can be converted again

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But why would paladin lie Sam, lol

@Wolfy decide fate execute

The night plan

Me - Bear
Dama gets jailed and executed
Sam gets bombed by Celeste
:wolf: Guard Methnor
Methnor checks pug
Pug heals mole
PKR holds the deadboi literature club

Yes, your plan doesn’t involve you getting bombed which is set in stone

Also… Should we still exe Noz? He might legit be fool

Anyone opposed to the plan of hanging Dama instead and jailing and exe Noz?

Actually, that’s too much effort
Let Noz win if he’s fool, Dama is confirmed scum so prince won’t lose axe.


It says if the BD does not win the game after tommorow day. Once I die. The steps that follow are those.

@Damafaud Hypothetical question
If you were the cult leader, who are your top 3 converts rn?

In before he tried converting hippo

  • he

get my gender right thanks

Knowing Dama, he probably tried to convert PKR (and we all know PKR was blessed so)

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