Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

You cant convert pkr if you already bussed him tho

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Also there was a point in that Noz lynch where i was convinced he was either fool or town

yh the noz lynch was dumb

It was right about here where he says he’ll CS the dead cult leader lmao

Scum noz wouldn’t have made that mistake

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covered our bases though
if you had fessed up to being scorned we probably could’ve hung sam and bombed noz

Top kek. Alfa accidently forgot one my night actions, but doesn’t matter now anyway

That’s no fun though I’m not begging BD for a win

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Fair enough

@Queen_Alfa @Vulgard Good game! Thank you for hosting! :smile:

What are both of your thoughts post-mortem?

Yes please

Can we have mod rant, mvps and everything foe individual players for once here, pleassseeee?


I’m here

Mole probably MVP this game.
I’d like SMVP for the blessing on PKR kthx

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yes but i wolfed mole
which means my wolf has the taste of mvp blood

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I believe some of the best players here got all the BD power classes, and the comparatively newbie players got scum, which made this game pretty one-sided.

You can blame this on RNG, but Alfa was the one deciding who gets which class, so you should probably ask her why that was the case. :wink:

Also, my highlight is still that one moment.

That’s all from me, I believe. Hosting is fun.

Believe me, that is definitely not me.


Oh wow BD and Alchemist won

What a surprise



Get out of here, imposter.

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This was more of a steamroll than usual. Like 2 BD died.

fite me :fist: