Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

Trying to convert PKR was like trying to convert Moleland.

It’s not going to work.

Lesson: Never convert PKR.
Let’s replace that with the convert PKR N1 meme


Idea promptly considered, rejected and deported
My flowchart is infallible!



At least you stopped Celeste killing Pug.

Also lock this thread?

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This is supposed to be a place where we could have fun in our later ages.

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I like how I barrier PKR for two night straight because of the meme.


Half of the FM meta here is based on memes at this point


what about the kill Pug n1 meta…

I can neither confirm nor deny these reports at this time.

I still beat one cult leader, Reaper and Scorned on my own.

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Oh wow that sounds amazing I’m sad I missed that game

Im not gonna lie

I kinda believed Hippos maid claim more than yours


Then you’re bad and should feel bad. Hippo was slightly sketchy this game

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Like Mole said, should have paid more attention that I already checked Sam for RB passive before Hippo can do about fake evidence with me and Sam being imcompatible also don’t forgot I am the one who found NK matched with last cult member by such odds.

That I died matters not, my job was done.

I ccd someone and then got a scum check on the person I ccd. When it became apparent me or frost was scum it was sadly relatively obvious I was scorned.

Unfortunately frost didn’t instantly get himself lynched for once, so props to him.

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You mean I am one of the few persons that doesn’t get insta-lynched when ‘evidence’ is shown?

First you and then that on-going game with mario characters.

Yeah like, twice in a row.

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Sure that’s what I mean exactly.

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NightX huh?