Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

While NightX may be not too confirmed of Physician claim, I did use him and pick someone who hasn’t claimed.

Two of them were mother lode of information

To be honest, the only cause for suspicion on him was the nk claiming to have hit him and he was immune

That wouldn’t be the only reason.

And he also was pretty insistent that I was accusing everyone of being nk, when my pics were night and insanity, with low key pkr because eh…

That was a dickmove tbh. He knew he lost so he gave up a fellow neutral (he literally knew 100% I was scorned) for no reason.


You did accuse like 8 ppl of being NK tho it was funny

Only if NightX didn’t panicked.

Did night claim nk in jail or did he swap his claim to alchemist?

What triggers to execute Night is that he said that he got unlucky by Maid check.

While Dama is also last cult member.

So my move was double-edged sword since I didn’t leave one stone unturned and checked for Dama’s class that put final objection against Hippo to insist that Dama is still princess and I as cult member since I got take care of the NK (with Prince’s help)

Converted cult members can be still starter BD target for scorned which what some of hesitant BD members that still didn’t believe me see as this, in the end this game is information war.

Honestly without you unseen wold probably have won this game frost.

Unseen win the Cult game.

Logic :wink:

That’s how big of an impact he made for the BD.

Also you are a snake :snake:

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Now I wish I want to be king.


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No I didn’t.

I asked if he was nk

That is backed with my evidence, he wasn’t expecting I also happened to match with last cult member as well which he could have made last ditch to save himself.