Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

You idiot…


Then u should be glad I straight claimed

If I was alch, I would’ve fucking claimed Alch like in FoL 11.

That made me win there

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I think the best course is to lynch him then.

ah shite

If Prince told Celeste who they are, I’d rather she heal them

Touch my puggo and u get the emeraldo

yeah. heal prince

Pretty sure I know exactly who the prince is
and he isn’t joking about axing you tonight

Kay but careful of a nightwatch

I swear im laughing right now cause of this mess XD

MOD kill, MOD kill…


If you know who the Prince is you better heal him.

Ah so it seems u know Marl… well then congrats

Yeah yeah Night ill heal her >:(

but here’s my point as to why I’m not alch

I would’ve repeated my FoL 11 strat.

also any ideas on King’s faction?

why the hell did you call him a she?

Alfa Prince confirmed


I call everyone a she until proven a guy :wink:

Alfa is the best Prince.

what are you on about