Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

I honestly didn’t notice his vote was hidden. Full disclosure I was pretty baked last night.

Not hanging tech is the right play anyway so it doesn’t matter
We should 100% let the prince jail and execute tech.

As long as the CL can’t use him to execute.


/vote Boss

Methnor was having a lot of fun at his Pesach sedar. Maybe too much fun btw join my forum game.


He had to distract himself from all the bread in his house, one day down 6 or (7 for m rot go)

That’s what the Jews did when they weren’t allowed to bake bread - they got baked themselves instead.

They were leaving Egypt as hobos and they did not have enough time to bake there bread. So they made matzah.

I know the history

Very festive holiday.

I don’t even remember the story anymore, it’s been years since I learned about it or cared hahaha
Stupid-ass holiday that doesn’t let me get normal cheeseburgers anywhere

It’s a good story.

I read it.

Religion class with NightX as the host.

That would be ironic

Haha, Night = darkness. Your name correlates with one of the plagues.

Actually it’s a completely different reason, but that works too.

What is the real reason?


I’m a heretic, infidel, non-believer, etc.

welcome back y’all