Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

Go look at the apostle class card
Techwolve’s vote was hidden from the court in a VC
He hard slipped.

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Tech is confirmed Acolyte.

I was assuming this was a Cult game because of lack of deaths before.

The moment somebody dies, you revive them and the Paladin checks you. That way, even if you get occupied, you’re clear.

Nobody died nor claimed occupied though
so it’s possible we just dont have any occupiers
or maybe we have a shit ton of occupy immune people?


So the real Paladin is somewhere out there.

We’re jailing techwolves and executing him tonight
so dont vote tech even though he’s confirmed scum


I see that King Wolfy is here.

What are your leads?

D2 no leads?
evil king ree


We have cult.
cult convert into 1 of 3(?) classes.
One of the three of those classes contains an occupier

butler poison plz

Just caught up.

My God…

Frost is acting likenobvious scun yet again in Eevee’s game. But could we take the gambke in case of fool? We’ll wait and see, so for now

/vote frost

yeah guys Wolfy is Devout King confirmed

/vote Wolfy

alright I’ll stop memeing

/revoke vote

PKR has probably already got a knife with my name on it

Even knights can convert into invoker, i almost forgot

I have a knife with everyone’s name on it.
Not just your own Pug.
No more memes.

/vote Frost

I sheep with only Marl and the King.

Nobody else

also Apostle exists, right?

Read on frostwolf?
Outing sam as prince/noble intentional or accidental?
(After already ‘accidentally’ claiming maid earlier.)

Can they disable King abilities? On mobile so hard for me to check catds atm

No, but they have
Bewilder (Day) - Target player uses a day ability on themselves. - 1 use